Rosie stars as Dr. Sally Rupert, the adventurous scientist who recruits Dave to help her disappear into the future with her quirky husband.
Rosie is a Boston/NY/Florida actor/host/writer known for many works. Among winning as part of Best Cast at the LA Web Festival for Girl in the Attic, appearing in Castle Rock, and Woody Allen’s Irrational Man, she premiered her short film, Dark Light of Day, at the Rhode Island International Film Festival in 2017, the only oscar-qualifying festival in New England. She also garnered a Best Supporting Actress nomination at the Oniros Film Awards in Italy for that film as well. Always the advocate, she founded the New England Kids Actors Group in 2012 – a go-to resource for the parents of child actors, both newbie and veterans alike, with over 1500 members. She is a contributing writer for Motif Magazine in RI and Imagine Magazine in Boston, appearing on that cover in Nov. of ’15. She is hard at work on her second screenplay, a feature film about “finding the one”, and she hopes to see you on set soon.